About Paul J Bucknall
I am a multi disciplined photographer who strives for continual perfection and that perfection is just out of reach, elusive. Each image I believe can always be improved; can be changed; can have a deeper meaning hidden beneath the surface and it’s my intention to draw the viewer into that image.I draw inspiration from past generations of artists. I particularly like the darkness and tension within Caravaggio’s works, the technicality of Leonardo da Vinci and the abstraction of Vincent Van Gogh. Some of these ideas are easier to transfer into our medium due to the digitalised age. As a photographer we are currently in times where we can express ourselves through our work by changing and advancing our styles. Now forward thinking stock libraries like Arcangel are a portal to creativity where the only limits we have are our own imaginations. I often use Fibonacci’s divine ratio, consciously or subconsciously, within my work. This theory runs as a constant throughout the universe being seen in nature, patterns and shapes. I have a real affinity for travel and I have been fortunate to visit over 70 countries. I have been able to interact with different people and cultures through these experiences. This travelling has helped me develop a style of observational photography, sometimes by watching an event unfold and second guess the subject. It has helped me with my curiosities about the world and seems to draw me in further by looking at the complexities and interactions surrounding life. It has opened up my senses by allowing me to see great cities to small villages; visiting ancient monuments; to viewing a solar eclipse; to feeling the force of nature through the sea and feel the power of hurricanes. I have been widely published in travel and tourism guides, books, magazines and billboards